Which Type of Underwear is Best for Men's Health

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The types of underwear are varies. When you are looking for a new underwear, what is your criteria actually? You are looking for underwear by focusing on the size? Color? Material? Type? Or only focus on the brand?
which type of underwear is best for men's health
If you are belong to one of many people whom face difficulty on choosing the best type and the appropriate underwear, you need some tips to help you decide the appropriate one.

Those are important for you to keep in mind, because underwear is not only a fashion. Underwear is not only to cover your sensitive part of your body but also to protect.

Which type of underwear is best for men's health

How to choose men's underwear
Discussing which type of underwear is best for men's health, it would be better to know some tips on choosing the appropriate underwear for men. You are not only thinking abou buy it, wearing it, change it, and wash it. You must think that buy underwear is also for your healthy.

A study showed that wearing underwear not only for your comfort more than that the study showed that men who reported wearing looser underwear had about 25 percent higher sperm concentrations and 17 percent higher total sperm count than those with tight underwear. That is why you need to consider some factors before buy a new underwear.

Tips on choosing appropriate underwear for men.

best underwear for men's health
Do you have a plan to buy a underwear? It is better for you to know some tips on how to choose appropriate underwear for men below:

Consider your lifestyle

Lifestyle is a factor on choosing underwear should be considered. You can take the best underwear types based on your need. You have to ensure that the underwear is comfort for your movement and breathability. Discomfort underwear may cause irritation on your sensitive part of body. That is why you have to make sure the underwear help you to prevent prevent you from sweating and crafing.

Knowing your body type

Knowing your body type is important when you decide to buy an underwear. If you have a larger size, you may need underwear that is made of thicker materials. If you are slimmer, you may be able to get away with wearing lighter-weight underwear.

Make sure to choose the underwear which has comfort material and type, and appropriate size. Fit and fix underwear, will help you to move actively and freely.

Knowing your personal preferences

best men's underwear
Personal preferences are something that you should know better. Some men prefer briefs, while others prefer boxers. There is no right or wrong answer, so choose the type of underwear that you feel most comfortable in.

Make sure the underwear fits properly

Ensuring your underwear size before deciding to buy it. Underwear that is too tight can be uncomfortable and can lead to chafing. Underwear that is too loose can be baggy and can ride up.

The best way to ensure that your underwear fits properly is to try it on before you buy it. You can also remembering your underwear size as you have. Remember that different type of underwear could be different on size, especially around the waist and the legs.

Choose high-quality materials

Underwear that is made of high-quality materials will last longer and will be more comfortable to wear. Look for underwear that is made of cotton or other natural fibers.

Please read the underwear lable carefully and you will know what the material is.

Type of men's underwear

Tips to choose underwear
You are a men and want to buy underwear? Here are some of the most popular types of men's underwear:


Briefs are a close-fitting type of underwear that covers the front and back of the body. They are often made of cotton or a cotton blend and provide good support and coverage.


Boxers are a looser-fitting type of underwear that covers the front and back of the body, but does not provide as much support as briefs. They are often made of cotton or a cotton blend and are a good choice for men who prefer a more relaxed fit.

Boxer briefs

Boxer briefs are a hybrid type of underwear that combines the features of briefs and boxers. They are typically made of cotton or a cotton blend and provide a good balance of support and comfort.


type of men's underwear
Trunks are a short-leg type of underwear that covers the front and back of the body, but does not have legs. They are often made of cotton or a cotton blend and are a good choice for men who prefer a more stylish and modern look.


Thongs are a very revealing type of underwear that covers the front and back of the body, but has a narrow strip of fabric that goes between the buttocks. They are often made of synthetic fibers and are a good choice for men who prefer a very light and breathable type of underwear.

Those are the types of men's underwear sold in the market. You can choose one that is appropriate for you.


The best type of men's underwear for you will depend on your personal preferences and body type. If you are looking for support and coverage, briefs or boxer briefs may be a good choice. If you prefer a more relaxed fit, boxers may be a better option.

Moreover, if you are looking for a stylish and modern look, trunks may be the right choice for you.

No matter what type of men's underwear you choose, it is important to make sure that they are made of high-quality materials and that they fit properly. This will help to ensure that you are comfortable and that your underwear lasts for a long time. So, which type of underwear is best for men's health do you think appropriate with you?

  • https://undershirtguy.com/best-underwear-for-mens-health
  • https://academic.oup.com/humrep/article/33/9/1749/5066758
  • https://www.everydayhealth.com/mens-health/what-men-should-know-about-underwear.aspx

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  1. Maybe the article will be useful for my sons. They must learn to choose their own underwear soon or later.

  2. enggak banyak yang membahas soal underwear cowok. tips di sini berguna banget karena pada dasarnya cowok tuh ribet juga soal kenyamanan

    1. Hehe, pastinya begitu. Masalah kenyamanan itu penting, aoalagi kalau dipakai bergerak. Salah pilih bisa iritasi kulit

  3. terimakasih sharingnya kak, informasi penting buat saya karena seringnya yg beli underware suami ya beliau sendiri soalnya suka khawatir salah ukuran, model dll.

    1. It's better mbak, dari pada dibelikan ga cocok eman-eman

  4. Men's underwear also has many models. And this is good, so that it can be adjusted according to the wearer, yes. Because everyone is different. But most importantly, underwear is comfortable to wear.

  5. Ternyata underwear for man juga banyak jenisnya ya. Jarang yang bahas soalnya soal pemilihan dalaman gini untuk kaum adam.

  6. I prefer to use boxer, because i feel comfortable when I use it, and then the material is important too, I think everyone agreed to chose the best one

  7. Waini, cukup yang nyaman saja hahaha.. dan pastinya nyaman seharian.. rekomendasi nih

  8. Artikelnya jadi masukan nih buat cowok ataupun cewek yang mau menghadiahkan underwear buat pasangannya, karena ada tipsnya juga

  9. Biasanya ngomongin celana dalam cowok itu kalau diskusi sama anak bujang saya. Informasi bagus, jadi nambah ilmu dan wawasan saya

  10. Wah nggak cowok nggak cewek
    Kalau pilih underwear ya pasti pilih yang nyaman ya

  11. Terima kasih udah sharing, Kak. Ternyata baik cewek maupun cowok pasti ingin underwear yang nyaman dipakai. Terus jadi tau deh tipe-tipe pakaian dalam untuk pria yang bisa nyaman dan sesuai dengan tipe tubuhnya. Lumayan juga nih ilmu baru yang siapa tau akan berguna nanti kalau aku yang bertugas memilihkan pakaian untuk suamiku nanti.

  12. Bagi aku underwear penting banget sih. Harus nyaman dikulit dan nyaman buat gerak juga. jangan sampai bikin gerah dan harus bikin happy gerak seharian

  13. ternyata underwear cowok juga ada banyak macamnya yaaa. soal size, bahan dan model kenyamanan emang penting banget sih

  14. artikel yang sangat bermanfaat bagi cowok-cowok dalam memilih underwear yang nyaman

  15. Usually my husband choosing the best materials for underwear to avoid fashion waste. We believe that best materials will be more durable for years

  16. Wahh ini aku baru ngeh hahaha. Secara, ngga pernah nanya2 juga ke suami mana yang lebih nyaman jadi pas beliin yaa pas keliatan bagus aja hahaha

  17. Aku suka pake yg brief sih. Lebih nyaman dibanding yang segitiga. Wwkk. Atau kalo di rumah enakan pake boxer sekalian buat tidur. Yang longgar bikin si dedek jadi adem dan ga kepanasan. Wkwk.

  18. Aww I should share this post to my husband. Anyway, what about undies for boy? Should I go with this tips too?

  19. Ternyata ada jg macem2 underwear cowok. Yg aku masih bingung, dimana letak kenyamanan pakai underwear model thongs.

    1. Hanya yang biasa memakainya yang merasakan kenyamanannya mb

  20. Jadi tahu harus menyiapkan apa untuk suami
    Ternyata memang harus disesuaikan dengan berat badan juga ya

  21. jadi tau nih soal berbagai tipe celana dalam pria, next udh tau mau beliin yg mana buat anak saya

  22. By paying attention to many things and aspects, it turns out that choosing underwear for men can improve health and of course comfort during daily activities.

  23. Kenapa aku jadi berpikir menforward ini ke suamiku hahaha..maksih pak atas tulisan ini. Selama ini urusan underware suami pilih2 sndiri tanpa banyak pertimbangan

    1. Hahaha, awal pilih pasti banyak pertimbangan. Wkwkw. Setelah dah biasa dan tahu mana yang nyaman ga perlu pertimbangan.


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